Refund and Cancellation Policy

This policy is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions for all legal and technical purposes as and when required for services provided by

Balance Transfer

The balance once transferred to the website’s wallet shall become non-refundable in all circumstances whatsoever. The website reserves the right not to refund the balance in the wallet except as the website, in its sole discretion, decides otherwise.

Purchase and Wallet Addition

Any purchase or addition of an amount to the wallet, once made, shall be non-transferable and cannot be cancelled under any circumstances.

Service Amendment service offers alternatives and options for amending the Service if the reason is a failure to provide the Service or its disability. However, no refund shall be made in any such case.

Non-Credited Transactions

No refund shall be issued in any case where, despite making a transaction by the user, the amount has not been credited to the account associated with the website.

Transaction Failure Liability

In addition to the above terms, in the case of failure of any transaction due to any reason whatsoever, the website will not have any liability if the amount has not been credited to the account associated with it.

Questions and Contact

If you have any questions regarding our Refund and Cancellation Policy, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].